How to Implement Blogs and Social Media Into Your Marketing Strategy


Read Part 14 of 20 in our7 Keys to Successful Web Development series below!


It might be difficult to add one more element into your business, but social media and blogs cannot be ignored in marketing. Facebook has more than one billion active users. It’s estimated that over 90 percent of Americans have a Facebook or Twitter account. More users are getting their news and information through these two channels. As a business owner, you have to tap into these sources for new customers and to inform current ones to keep them coming back to your site. Here are some easy ways to use a blog and social media to build your brand:

  • Use software which easily integrates posts on social media to your website or into a shopping opportunity. AddShoppers is a great choice to help with this.
  • Always give your customers a call-to-action. Tell your audience what you want them to do, i.e. join an email list, buy your product, share the post, or get more information. By varying your CTA, your business doesn’t sound like you’re all about sales.
  • Give your customers an insight into your business. A blog post written by an employee helps the shopper know that they are credible in the industry. It also demystifies your industry.
  • Before implementing a strategy, get the analytics of your current rankings in order to watch what works and what doesn’t.
  • Set measurable goals which benefit your business. The number of followers you have might be the most noticeable number, but you have to convert those followers into sales to really make a difference into your bottom line. Look at gaining customers, not just followers.
  • Once you start updating a blog, make sure you keep up with it. It demonstrates to customers that you are reliable, dependable, and motivated.
  • Integrate social media and content on your blog. Give customers a reason to come to your website and shop.
  • Facebook can certainly be shoppable, by posting pictures of what you offer. Most experts recommend using social media as brand engagement. For every two posts that are “sales-worthy” give another eight that are informational.
  • Find the social media platform that works to reach your potential customers. Instagram users have different demographics than Facebook users. Target your potential customer even further within the platform.


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