Author: Ben Chafetz
Why Chris Brown vs. Soulja Boy Is Cooler Than Magento vs. NetSuite
This article was written by 121 CEO Ben Chafetz
How to Save Your SEO During a Website Migration
Website redesigns and other migration changes affect your website structure. And any structural changes have the potential to significantly affect your SEO and website traffic. After a migration, a previously high ranking website may lose rankings and visibility — or sometimes, no longer even rank at all — seriously affecting its traffic numbers, brand image,…
Secure Your Site From Brute force attacks
Magento is seeing an increase in brute force attacks that have even resulted in unauthorized admin panel access. Magento strongly recommends securing your site from these attacks.
Recent Infections of Visbot Malware found on Magento Sites
Recent Infections of Visbot Malware Found on Magento Sites
Preparing for Magento 2.0 Enterprise
Magento is a fast growing ecommerce platform that distinguishes itself through dynamic functionality, flexible application, and open source development. The much anticipated release of Magento 2.0 Enterprise was recently confirmed. A closer look at the release details will help clear up some of the confusion regarding the next stage of evolution for Magento.
Magento vs. Volusion: Why Magento Rocks (Part 1)
Let’s face it. We here at 121eCommerce love Magento and believe it’s the best platform out there for eCommerce websites. You may ask, why? What makes it so much better than the other options on the market? So we’ve decided to go into some depth with our answer. This blog will be Part 1 of…
Magento vs. Shopify: Why Magento Rocks (Part 2)
We previously discussed our stance on Magento and that we believe it’s the best ecommerce platform for online stores. This blog post is a continuation in a series we are posting detailing why we feel so strongly about it. Check out Part 1 of this series, Magento vs Volusion. Below is Part 2 of why…
Magento vs. SuiteCommerce: Why Magento Rocks (Part 3)
We at 121ecommerce have been saying for a while that we think Magento is the best eCommerce Solution for ecommerce websites. Continuing in our series of Why Magento Rocks (here’s part 1 and part 2), here’s why the Magento platform beats SuiteCommerce:
Magento vs. Bigcommerce: Why Magento Rocks (Part 4)
Continuing in our series of Why Magento Rocks, here is Part 4 showcasing what makes the Magento eCommerce platform superior to Big Commerce. You can find Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 by click on the links here.