Case studies
The Situation:
LightsOnline is a premier eCommerce source for home lighting, outdoor lighting, and décor.
They were using a Magento partner to improve their site, but progress was slow. Changes were taking too long and full of errors. Daily sales reports were incorrect, overstating sales costing them close to half a million dollars annually. Also, an automated report was running at the wrong time, missing hundreds of daily transactions. A custom light finder was also on their wishlist.
They needed a capable Magento development agency to migrate their site to Magento 2 and handle high priority tasks, including bug fixes, inventory and accounting issues, plus, reporting and backend integrations.

The Solution:
When faced with the choice to hire an in-house development team or outside agency, they chose 121 for our extensive Magento expertise and open communication structure.
We promptly took over all maintenance and development-related issues, migrated their site to Magento 2, dug into their reporting errors, and began development on their light finder.

The Success:
Their new Magento 2 site is boasting fast page load times despite a 90,000+ product catalog.
All reporting errors were resolved and a custom-built light finder was added to their home page, making it easy for customers to choose a light by room, finish, and price.
With a more robust, intuitive backend, we fixed their broken CRON system to automate repetitive tasks, integrated their site with ChannelAdvisor for a seamless, cloud-based software connection, and implemented a mega menu for easier browsing.
In-house development spending has nearly disappeared and they’ve avoided unnecessary costs with streamlined reporting and internal processes.