Category: Magento

  • Your Magento Website Development Project

    Your Magento Website Development Project

    You’ve hired a developer – or maybe you’ve even got some technical skills and you’re planning to be part of the development process for your new Magento site. You’re excited to get to work and build a modern, streamlined, beautiful site on the flexible, powerful Magento 2 framework. Hold on a sec. Before you get…

  • Magento 2 – Opportunities To Save Money (And Where Not To)

    Magento 2 – Opportunities To Save Money (And Where Not To)

    Developing a new Magento 2 website or moving your Magento 1 store to Magento 2 is a big, complicated project – and it’s not cheap. Because of that, you may be looking for places you can save money when building your new eCommerce website. How can you reduce the initial capital outlay of building a…

  • How To Transition To A New Magento Developer Mid-Project

    How To Transition To A New Magento Developer Mid-Project

    So, you hired a Magento developer, and things aren’t working out.  Maybe you’re not communicating properly.  Maybe they oversold their capabilities.  Maybe they’re just not delivering the product you want on the timeframe you agreed upon. Whatever the reason, you’ve decided that it’s time to get out. The last thing you want to do is…

  • 5 Ways To Avoid A Magento eCommerce Disaster

    5 Ways To Avoid A Magento eCommerce Disaster

    Whether you’re migrating from a platform like Shopify to Magento, or you’re interested in building a new Magento eCommerce store from scratch, there are a few things you should know before you get started. Developing a Magento website can be complex, and things can definitely go wrong if you don’t plan ahead. Trust us. As…

  • 5 Ways to Grow Your Magento Store. Fast.

    5 Ways to Grow Your Magento Store. Fast.

    This post was contributed by Jillian Hufford, Marketing Analyst for nChannel Growing your Magento store isn’t always easy. While you have access to all the tools you need, it takes more than just great software to build a thriving online business. You have to be thoughtful about how you use those tools to improve your…

  • 9 Ways Poor Magento Hosting Costs You $$$

    9 Ways Poor Magento Hosting Costs You $$$

    This post was contributed by Robert Rand, Director of Partnerships & Alliances at JetRails. While some think of Magento hosting as a simple infrastructure decision, Magento experts understand that the wrong hosting environment can make or break your eCommerce business. Just like when hiring a Magento agency, you have to think about not just upfront costs, but…

  • 8 Security Tips to Keep Your Magento Store Safe From Hackers

    8 Security Tips to Keep Your Magento Store Safe From Hackers

    The largest data breach compromised all 3 billion Yahoo user accounts in 2013. In just the first half of 2019, data breaches exposed 4.1 billion consumer records- up from 445 million in 2018. Cyber attacks are a growing problem both in America and worldwide. Data breaches are also becoming more expensive to deal with, too. The…

  • How to Get the Most Out of Magento Support

    How to Get the Most Out of Magento Support

    If you’re a Magento user, you may be wondering how you can get the most out of Magento support when there’s an issue with your store – and ensure you can maximize uptime and keep your Magento installation running smoothly. We’re here to help. Read on, and learn more about how you can get the…

  • Can My Magento 1 Site Remain PCI Compliant?

    Can My Magento 1 Site Remain PCI Compliant?

    If you’re still on Magento 1 (Heaven help you) you’re probably wondering… “Can I meet PCI security standards and continue operating my store on Magento 1?” That’s a good question. Especially given the fact that Magento cut off support for all Magento 1 storefronts earlier this year. Should you migrate to Magento 2? Must you…

  • The Top 7 FAQs About Magento & PCI Compliance

    The Top 7 FAQs About Magento & PCI Compliance

    PCI compliance is a critical issue for Magento stores and all eCommerce entrepreneurs. If your store is not PCI compliant and cardholder data is lost due to a cyber-attack, you could end up liable for damages in lawsuits, and you may also pay thousands of dollars in penalties and fines. But what is PCI? Why…